Susquehanna Valley Spinners & Weavers Guild
Located in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
Meetings held at Christ's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3rd Street, Lewisburg. Basement Level. ADA Accessible.
1:00 Library is open 1:30 pm Social Time 2:00 pm Meeting
2025 Schedule of Events
Participants must pre-pay for all workshops.
Cancellation fee: If you cancel 30 days or more prior to the workshop you will receive a refund, less 10% processing fee.
If you cancel less than 30 days prior to the workshop no refund will be given.
January 5 2-5 pm
Felters Study Group. Meeting will be held at Christ's Evangelical Lutheran Church
January 12 2:00
Guild Meeting - Ply on-line spinning resources
Presented by Julie Richie
January 18 1:00
Weavers Study Group. Meeting will be held at 525 Vine Street, New Berlin.
Jan. 25th 10-noon
Board Meeting. The first board meeting for 2025. Meeting will be held at the Union County Public Library in Lewisburg. All members are welcome to attend, however, only board members may vote.
January 29 1:00
Spinners Study Group meets at the home of Julie Richie
February 8 10 - 4
Workshop Introduction to Brioche Knitting by Laura Herald
Location is the Union County Public Library in Lewisburg.
Material fee = $25 paid the day of the class. Bring you materials and lunch.
February 9 2:00
Guild Meeting All about Ravelry
Presented by Kate Sudarth
Do you have questions about Ravely? Kate will host an interactive presentation and
answer your how to questions. Please bring your phone, tablet, or lap top. Must
be able to log into Ravelry.
February 28 1:00
Spinner's Study Group meets at the home of member
Sat. Mar. 8 & Sun Mar. 9
Workshop Beginners Crochet presented by Lynne Hoffman and Lynn Noecker
Location: Union County Public Library 10 a - 4 p
Cost = $55.00 to be paid upon registration. Maximum number of participants is 10.
March 9 2:00
Guild Meeting The World of Crochet by Lynne Hoffman and Lynn Noecker
March 1:00
Spinner's Study Group a.k.a. Woolies will meet
Sat. April 12 10-4
Workshop Fractal Spinning presented by Linda Bauer
Held at the Central PA Chamber of Commerce, Milton 10a - 4p
Cost for Members $ 40 to be paid upon registration. Number of participants is 15
April 13 2:00
Guild Meeting Fractal Spinning. Todays presentation is by Linda Bauer
April 1:00
Spinner's Study Group meets at the home of Sheryl McGettigan
May 17&18
Spinning & Weaving Demonstrations
Central PA Fiber Festival, Hughesville, PA Located in the Lycoming County Fair Grounds
May 18 2:00
Guild Meeting Todays meeting will be held at the Central PA Fiber Festival
Spinner's Study Group meets at the home of Sandy Dotts
May 28 1:00
Sat. June 8 2:00
Guild Meeting Happy Endings by Deborah Jarchow
We will learn various ways to finish your ends in weaving.
June thru July
Tour de Fleece 2025
TThe goal for the Tour de Fleece is
to spin and post progress pictures of your spinning on Ravelry each day of the race. There will be a dedicated thread posted in the Susquehanna Valley Spinners and Weavers group. Refresher instructions on how to post pictures and participate will be provided closer to the date.
There are no quantity requirements for anyone's spinning -do what fits in your schedule. Daily participation is not required, and posting late and/or in batches is also fine. The goal is to get into the habit of spinning regularly, and also to have fun sharing your projects with other guild members. Each day’s photo is an entry into the random prize draw at the end. As of this point, prizes will be TBD based on donations, though there will be at least a few.
This is also a good event for people who aren't local since it's free and run on a public website. The only requirements are internet access and a Ravelry account. Former guild members who've left the area, friends/family, and/or prospective members are encouraged to participate.
For more information, please email Kate Suddarth at
June 1:00
Spinners Study Group meets at the home of Lindy VanFleet
July 13 2:00
Guild Meeting. The unique qualities of Corriedale Sheep & their fleeces presented by Roger Bowman
July 30 1:00
Spinners study Group meets at the home of Susan Margargee
August 10 2:00
Guild Meeting Today's presentation is by Sally Kahler
August 27 1:00
Spinners study group meets at the home of
Sept 14
Annual Guild Picnic
Sept 20 1:00
Sept daily
Fleece to Shawl competition at Bloomsburg Fair.
Demonstrations of Fiber Arts at the Sheep Barn.
Sept. 24 1:00
Spinners Study Group will be at the home of
Oct. 12 2:00
Guild Meeting Central American Weaving presented by Melissa Diamanti
Oct. 29 1:00
Spinners study group will be at the home of Val Moyer
Nov 9 2:00
Guild Meeting Needle felted Christmas ornaments
Dec 14 2:00
Guild Meeting