Susquehanna Valley Spinners & Weavers Guild
Located in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
Meetings held at Christ's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3rd Street, Lewisburg. Basement Level. ADA Accessible.
1:00 Library is open 1:30 pm Social Time 2:00 pm Meeting
SVSWG Marketplace
Do you have something for sale? Are you looking for something?
Please send your item's specific description and your preferred email contact information in a file (Word or in an email) and Two jpeg pictures per item to SpinnersWeaversGuild@gmail.com
When your item(s) sells, please send an email, so that the ad can be removed. Otherwise, items will be removed after six months. If you wish to relist, send a new ad.
Due to unlawful activity on the internet, please only accept CASH for anything sold on this site.
Scammers will tell you they are "out of town on business,” will send cashier checks, want to send you more than the dollar amount for the item, and then have you arrange for shipping/pickup by a third party. Cashier check validity can come weeks later from your bank, and then you are out of the item and the money. Please only perform transactions in person and with cash.
For Sale
Alpaca Fleece For Sale
Hasselbring's Harmony Ranch is located in Concordia, Missouri. We are home to approximately 70 head of Suri Alpacas. Our alpaca fleece is categorized into the micron span for Grade 1, 2,3, category fleece. The majority is White and Beige with a few offerings in Fawn, Brown and Black. The fleece is separated by blanket cuts that are noodled and wrapped in brown paper and 2nd cuts that are collected into plastic bags. Currently we have approximately 500lbs of fiber wanting a new home. We are selling the blankets for $3.00/lb and will donate up to 20lb of seconds per group/organization. Please feel free to reach out with questions or suggestions. Jana Foland 816-519-4063 or janafoland@gmail.com 8-29-24

Spool Rack - Folds Holds 70 spools. Rows pivot. 24" x 42". Top is 28" wide. $50.00 Contact Susan Wenner by email at Wennersew@gmail.com
Counter balance loom 4 shafts/harness, 4 treadles, 30" apron. $350.00 Contact Susan Wenner via email at Wennersew@gmail.com. 10-20-2024

Macomber Ad-A-Harness Loom, 8 shaft/harness, 10 treadles, 24" apron width, $850.00. Contact Susan Wenner via email at Wennersew@gmail.com 10-20-2024

For sale. Please contact Melody Masich at 570-441-9109 or melody.masich@gmail.com.
Kromski Arched Lazy Kate for $80. Kromski Sonata Mother of All and Flyer for $185

Fore Sale: I’m located in Camp Hill, Pa. Close to the Harrisburg west exit and not far from Rt 15 near cliff high school. Email = beardiemum2@verizon.net Phone 717-761-2622 Judy Thrift
I am selling a Harrisville 36 inch floor loom. 4 shaft, 6 treadle with snap treadle connections and original treadles. 70 pounds weight, folds for storage and transport. Included is tool tray, extra heedles, stainless steel reed, boat shuttle , 15 bobbins , leash sticks, raddle, slaying hook and several reed hooks, bobbin holder….$ 750.00 price somewhat negotiable. Would consider delivery depending on distance for additional fee.
Also available is Harrisville warping board, bobbin winder, additional shuttles, custom walnut weaving bench.
I have several years of handwoven magazines and 7 or 8 dyeing books.
One rug hooking book…..Basic Rug Hooking book by Beatty and Sargent(First published as The Hook Book ) ..$5