Susquehanna Valley Spinners & Weavers Guild
Located in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
Meetings held at Christ's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3rd Street, Lewisburg. Basement Level. ADA Accessible.
1:00 Library is open 1:30 pm Social Time 2:00 pm Meeting
Dedicated to the Fiber Arts
The Susquehanna Valley Spinners & Weavers Guild is proud to support the fiber arts!
We provide educational programs by talented instructors to our members.
We encourage members to share their skills and knowlege with other members and with the community. The fellowship found at meetings results in lifetime friendships.
Guild members are skilled in the fiber arts including:
1. Spinning
2. Weaving
3. Knitting & Crocheting
4. Felting
5. Dyeing
6. A variety of other fiber arts
7. Raising fiber animals
You will find us at local fairs, art festivals and historical and community events throughout the Central Susquehanna Valley.
Dedicated to learning, preserving, and promoting the art of spinning and weaving, Guild members include novices as well as those who have spent many satisfying years perfecting their skills.
Weaving, spinning, knitting, crocheting, dyeing, felting, and sewing are but a few of the interests we share.
Join our Guild and explore your interests and share in the fellowship of our monthly meetings!
We have spinning and weaving equipment for our members to rent as well as a large library for your use.
We are a member of the Mid-Atlantic Fiber Association.